What is Photoshop Masking and why use masking in Photoshop
What is Photoshop Masking:
In photoshop image masking is the process of removing background of an image which have blurred portion or which have hair portion. Masking of an image is not an easy task.When there is no hair or fur portion in a image then it is not so difficult to remove background, this can be done by simply using pen tool in photoshop.
Masking can be done using different way in photoshop.The following common tools are usally used in photoshop for masking :
- Magic Eraser tool
- Background Eraser tool
- Using the Extract command
- Quick Mask tool for selection and layer mask
- The Pen Tool for path selection and layer mask
Why use Photoshop Masking ?
For removing background of an image first it is needed to select path.The path selection for the normal image can be done by photoshop pen tool and by using it the image quality is also maintained, but the image which has hair or blurred protion pen tool can not be effective. In this case masking is used in photoshop. For the image which is like the above image there is no other way than photoshop masking.
For the above image background removing is done using masking tool in photoshop and thus the following image with white background is obtained.
Who Need Photoshop Masking Service?
Photoshop masking is one of the popular photo-treatment service in the photo world. Masking is required for all design houses. Besides the photographers, printing press, catalog companies, advertising agencies, photographic studios, web development and graphic design companies also need to do masking for their images.
image masking service